Anti-aging Tips for a Youthful Appearance

It’s never too late to start taking care of your skin. By incorporating a good skin care routine into your self-care regime, and by exploring a few more intensive treatments, anyone can address—and even reverse—signs of aging.

As a board certified plastic surgeon with a dedicated and talented team, I spend a great deal of time guiding my patients on how to protect and improve their skin.

This can be as simple as committing to daily sunscreen use. (As a former swimming instructor and lifeguard in my teens and early 20’s, I wish I’d known then what we know now about the sun’s damaging effects.) Nighttime retinoids provide a little extra “oomph.”

And for sunspots and wrinkles, my patients have access to Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments that can address troubling areas on the face, neck, chest and hands. There is no doubt that to age gracefully is powerful and positive, but no one can deny the appeal of a healthful and youthful glow.

Achieve that glow with these recommended steps:  

1: Wear a mineral-based sunscreen that contains titanium dioxide or zinc; aim for an SPF of 50. A pigmented formula can help smooth skin tone on face, neck and chest. My team and I love the Colorescience line for its ingredient list and ease of use.

Wear a mineral-based sunscreen.

2: Wear sun protective clothing. Hats and sunglasses should be worn outdoors, along with long sleeves when weather permits.

Long-sleeved rash guards are great protection when enjoying the beach or pool. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every couple of hours when outdoors, especially if you’re in and out of the water.

Sun protection.

3: Cleanse your skin gently. A nightly cleanse is important. If you wear foundation, start with an oil-based cleanser and follow with your regular cleanser to gently remove all traces of makeup (and heavy duty sunscreens) without stripping the skin.

A morning cleanse typically isn’t necessary, especially if your skin is sensitive or dry. A rinse with tepid water is enough.

Morning cleanse.

If you’re oily or if you applied a retinoid the night before, use a gentle cleanser for a quick morning wash. The Simply Clean Cleanser by SkinCeuticals is a great option.

I recommend steering clear of scrubs and other harsh physical exfoliants, as they can be drying/irritating and in some cases they can create micro-tears in the skin. 

4:  Invest in and use medical grade anti-aging creams. Prescription-strength formulations like Retin-A or Tazorac are the gold standard, but there are plenty of effective over-the-counter brands for those who don’t tolerate prescription strength.

Our Nurse Practitioner Emily Sespaniak loves the AlphaRet Overnight cream by SkinBetter. It combines a medical-grade retinoid with an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), which is generally well-tolerated and great for those dealing with melasma and other forms of hyperpigmentation.

My favorite product is Phloretin CF antioxidant gel (used in the morning, under my makeup). It’s easy to apply, gentle and non-irritating, and affordable.  

5: Eat a healthy diet. Stick to antioxidant-rich foods (blueberries, spinach) and healthy fats (salmon, avocado). Limit sugar and alcohol which can lead to a process called glycation that damages collagen and elastin fibers. 

Salmon salad with blueberries and spinach.

6. Avoid nicotine. Smoking, vaping, patch or gum are huge no-nos. Nicotine accelerates the aging process.

7. Exercise. Exercise increases circulation, naturally flushes toxins, and gives skin an authentic glow. And, the feel-good chemicals released during exercise lower stress levels and boosts mood, which makes us look happier and more vibrant. 

Jogging in San Francisco.

8: Build back collagen through non-surgical treatments. Medical microneedling is a great way to stimulate collagen by creating tiny holes in the skin to stimulate the skin’s healing process.

Medical microneedling treatment.

Downtime is minimal and it is great for all skin types. Similarly, the Clear + Brilliant fraxel laser uses energy to create micro-injuries to stimulate collagen production. A minimal-downtime treatment, it has the added benefit of addressing hyperpigmentation.

9: Invest in neuromodulator treatments. I embrace my laugh lines and don’t like a frozen look, but through careful injection of neuromodulators like Botox, Emily is skilled at accentuating the smiling muscles while lessening the strength of depressor muscles that cause frown lines. 

Emily is an aesthetic injector with an artistic eye and is able to strike a balance between smoothing and preventing lines while also maintaining a natural look. 

(L-R) Emily Sespaniak, NP and Karen M. Horton, MD.

10. And finally, for the ultimate in anti-aging, gratitude and laughter can’t be beat. When I’m not making my patients happy at the office, I practice self-care via healthy eating, regular exercise, reflecting on gratitude for my family, and sharing a laugh (and a glass of antioxidant Pinot) with dear friends. 

Dr. Karen Horton enjoying a glass of wine at her home with a friend.

About Dr. Horton

Dr. Karen Horton is an internationally Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco, a fitness enthusiast, proud mom to fraternal twin girls, and devoted wife of over 26 years. Hailing from Toronto, Canada, “Dr. Karen” relocated to San Francisco in 2005 for her final year of surgical specialty training.

A surgeon’s daughter, she is proud to have built a successful, women-focused boutique private practice in Pacific Heights. To learn more, visit her website.

Follow Dr. Horton on social HERE and Nurse Practitioner Emily Sespaniak HERE.

Karen M. Horton, MD, FACS

Dr. Karen Horton is an internationally Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in San Francisco, a fitness enthusiast, proud mom to fraternal twin girls, and devoted wife of nearly 3 decades. A surgeon’s daughter, she is proud to have built a successful, women-focused boutique private practice in Pacific Heights. Featuring a brand new Quad A-certified, fully equipped operating room, Dr. Horton offers her patients the highest level of aesthetic care, both surgical and non-surgical, in a modern, bright and discrete setting. She considers it an honor and a privilege to care for her patients! To learn more about Dr. Horton, visit and follow her on social at @drkarenhorton.