Big Brothers Big Sisters Gala 2024

On Friday, April 19, 2024, at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in San Francisco, 288 guests gathered in support of a program dedicated to enhancing the lives of Bay Area youth.

Todd Lachman, the Board Chair of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area, captivated the audience with his heartfelt account of his over 30-year-long relationship with his Little, Tremaine. Tremaine, in turn, conveyed his perspective through a touching video presentation. Marisa Rodriguez, an Alumni Little and CEO of Union Square Alliance, shared her profound connection with her Big, Terri, underscoring the lasting impact of mentoring relationships.

The event honored notable Matches of the year, recognizing their contributions with awards. Amidst celebration, attendees raised an impressive $780,000, a testament to the community’s commitment to meeting the growing demand for mentoring services. These vital resources ensure that children and families in need can access these programs without financial barriers. Together, the collective effort reaffirmed the program’s significance and its promising future.