Sharon Stone Shows Her Vulnerability in New Collection of Paintings

181 Fremont celebrated the art of actress Sharon Stone with an exclusive reception at the gallery on April 10th. Surrounded by 18 never-before-shown paintings, reception guests got to witness a wide-ranging conversation between Stone and 181 Fremont’s Matt Lituchy. Titled “My Eternal Failure,” the collection explores the power of confronting vulnerability, and is partly inspired by Stone’s life in San Francisco. 

Though Stone has a worldwide fanbase for her film work, few know that painting has been a part of her creative life since childhood. First taught to paint by an artist aunt, Stone later studied painting in college before leaving to become a model. In her late 50s Stone came full circle, finally earning her degree in art and art history. Painting, which she began to seriously pursue during the COVID lockdown, is now a part of her daily life, her creative instincts transferring from the big screen to the canvas.  

The collection of Sharon Stone’s paintings is on view through August 31st, by private appointment only. Please reach out to for information.